GTL: "Inspired by..." DIY

the inspiration.png

Do you ever see something- an object, book, print or pattern and immediately fall in love? Not necessarily with the item itself, but the overall aesthetic or feel of the product because of the way it looks.  I do - all. the. time.  I get made fun of far too frequently by my friends and family for my unnatural love of paper products.  Wrapping paper, notecards, scrap name it. So, why am I rambling on about pretty patterns and paper products? Well because for this week's Get The Look, I thought I'd Get the Look of some of my favorite patterns and prints in a fun DIY! 

I was inspired to recreate the gold polka dot pattern from my Kate Spade journal, the bold stripes of the Kate Spade organizing box from Jilly's and my large abstract canvas in my office nook.  So, how did they turn out?

Terra Cotta Pots: Dollar Store // Plants: Home Depot // All Other Craft Suplies: Michaels

Gold Polka Dot DIY

To get this look you'll need: one terra cotta pot// one plant of your choice // white spray paint // gold paint pen // pencil

After spraying the pot with white paint and allowing to fully dry, it's time to add the glam gold polka dots. I went for a "perfectly imperfect look" which I love.  I hand drew the polka dots in the pattern I wanted then went over my pencil with the gold paint pen.  This one was probably the trickiest of the trio as the circles took a bit of time but I'm so happy with the result! 

"Ombre" Abstract DIY

To get this look you'll need: one terra cotta pot // one plant of your choice // white spray paint //your "ombre" selection of paints // a plate or a palette to mix paint // paintbrush 

I started by spray painting this pot white like the previous one for a solid base.  I then took my darkest color and painted a band around the top approx 1/4 of the height.  I repeated the steps working my way down with the lighter colors. To blend the transitions I used a mix of the two paints above and below the transition and painted with my fingers so the look was natural and not fussy.  The lowest layer got a light cover of gold paint to add a bit of a "glam factor".  This pot was the easiest as it is the least "perfect".  

Bold B&W Stripe DIY

To get this look you'll need: one terra cotta pot // one plant of your choice // white spray paint// black paint // painters tape

You can again start by spray painting this pot in white for an even base coat.  I then used painters tape to tape off stripes.  Because the pot tapers a bit, this part can be a little time consuming to make sure you get it straight but if you take your time the results will be worth it! Paint the exposed area and remove the tape while the paint is still wet then allow to dry.  If you need to once dry, you can use a fine paint brush to touch up any spots that might have bled through the tape.  

So there you have it. From blah to funky, glam and bold- there are countless ways to easily update little guys like these and add some greenery and personality to your space. 

Happy DIY-ing!