Park Picks 05.22.15

Sarah's Picks

2. Putting George In His Place

When I read this funny little tidbit about George's proposal to Amal, I knew I had to share it with you guys. Not only did girlfriend win the heart of one of the most desirable bachelor's in Hollywood, but she made him squirm a bit! 



1. CB2 Bell Lamp

Honestly, there's nothing cuter than this little guy! If you're looking for flush mount lighting in a small-ish space, this is your fixture. Both are stylish and fabulous, but the white and gold is by far my fave. Obviously! 



Diana's Picks

1. Harlow's Birthday Celebration

As we mentioned earlier this week, one of our fave local shops is celebrating their first birthday. I've had a blast taking over their Instagram account over the last few days and can't wait to head over on saturday for a little shopping and maybe even walking away with a goodie bag or door prize! If you haven't entered yet, make sure to enter our rafflecopter below- today's your last day to enter!

2. Edmonton in National Geographic's Top Ten Summer Trips 

Clearly I'm all about the local love today but when National Geographic singles your city out, it's kind of a big deal. Edmonton is definitely known for our many festivals and for being a pretty amazing city to live in, especially in the summer. It's pretty darn cool to be recognized on this level and on par with some of the other listed cities. Go Edmonton, go! 


Entries to those in Edmonton or the area who are able to go to Harlow to pick up their bag