Fields Of Yellow

About 6 months ago I wrote a post where I shared 10 things you guys probably didn't know about me. I thought it might be about time I shared another. It's funny, I feel like I try to share little bits about myself in my posts and on social media but there are probably many of you who feel they don't know anything personal about me.  It's fun every once and a while to share a bit more about myself, the girl behind this blog and in return, I'd love to hear more about you in the comments below! 

Blue midi dress
Blue midi dress
Blue midi dress

1. I'm a hardcore Netflix binge-ing addict. I cannot start a show on Netflix without completely binge-ing on it. Mad Men, Scrubs, Breaking Bad, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, The Killing and The Mindy Project are just a few of the shows on Netflix that I've blasted through embarrassingly quickly. #NoShame Check out what else I've been watching lately HERE.

2. People ask me all the time "where I'm from" because I apparently sound like I have an accent! lol I think that because I'm a very animated speaker (more on that in point 4), I sometimes unintentionally take on a certain twang or sass to my voice. I've been asked if I'm from Australia, the South and a few random European countries. I can't hear it but I get asked it often enough that it's a thing.

3. My middle name is Lynn, the name of one of my mom's close friends when I was born. Confession: I used to hate my name and wished my first name was Lynn instead of Diana! lol Now I love the name Diana, I've only met two other Diana's in my life and both spelled their names differently so I like to think it's a little unique. 

4. If I can't use my hands to talk, I don't talk. I am probably one of the most aggressive hand talkers you will ever meet. In fact, I like to say I'm a 'full body talker'. AKA my hands, my head, my legs and my whole body get right into a conversation. This often leads to many embarrassing moments when out in public as I unintentionally smack people or get in the way ALL THE TIME. 

5. While we're on the topic of talking, now's probably a good time to share that I swear like a sailor. It is something that I do try to work on depending on where I am but I often can't help myself. F-bombs and other like words pepper my conversations on the regular. What can I say, I'm a passionate lady! haha

Blue midi dress
Blue midi dress
Blue midi dress

6. I was over 10 lbs when I was born! My poor mother - I was breach, had my cord around my head and was 10.5 lbs when I was born. My mom still likes to say she's recovering from that traumatic experience. My brother was also over 10 lbs which is likely partially responsible for my fears when it comes to having babies! #NoGiantBabiesPlease!!!

7. I used to work at Starbucks which I believe is responsible for my addiction. I even once worked a job where my boss after a few months said "so I can give you a raise or I can give you a Starbucks allowance each month instead". I don't think I need to tell you which option I chose....

8. I am the worst text-er you'll probably ever meet. I always say I'm at my best when I'm face-to-face. Emails are next, then the phone and by text message I'm practically useless lol. My friends know not to feel hurt or get worried if it takes me a few days to respond. It's definitely one of my worst qualities. 

9. My favourite subjects in school were english, social studies, and drama. What can I say, I'm an artsy person! ;) My least favourite were most definitely math and chemistry and looking back, it's a miracle I made it through those classes!

10. I love to cook but I'm a terrible baker. I do a lot of cooking because I love coming up with new recipes and flavour combinations but when it comes to baking, I struggle. I think I'm not precise enough or careful enough and I usually make a disaster out of what I'm trying to bake. That's what Duchess is for ;)

Blue midi dress
Blue midi dress
Blue midi dress
Blue midi dress

Tell me something about yourself in the comments below!