Park Picks 04.24.15

Diana's Picks

1. Guide to Homemade Hummus

I am a girl who loves me some hummus and while I make a traditional hummus every once in a while I've yet to dabble into any other variety of recipe. Well, I hit the jackpot with this visual, the easiest and best hunger-inducing visual of how to make 13 types of hummus, thanks SHAPE!

2. Sweet Sriracha Chicken Breasts

K so can you tell I was hungry when I wrote my park picks! haha I made this recipe earlier this week when I had my family over for dinner and it was easy, healthy and delicious! The perfect mix of sweet and spicy, and it's really simple so great for an easy weeknight dinner. 

Sarah's Picks 

2. Gold Diamond Pen

Chapters never fails to have the cutest stuff on the planet. I'm loving making all of my lists (blog to-do's and groceries, mainly) with this fab little number. It looks great sitting on the counter too! (You probably also saw Diana's Park Pick about these cute cards by Wrinkle and Crease. Love them!)

1. Candace Cameron/Olsen Twins 'Texts'

The news of the week: Full House is coming back for one season on Netflix. (What!) This little spoof is of the convo that 'DJ' and MK & A might have about it - and is so on point. I can't see major fashion designers fitting FH into their schedules, am I right? I could be wrong. I would die to see what they're wear if they did it. 


Looking for Kali's picks? Our little lovebug is taking a little blogging hiatus while she's out there being a girl boss. Werk it, Kali! You'll still see little bits of Kali's blogging genius in the weeks to come, and in the meantime you'll just have more Sarah and Diana to love. lol!