Best Design Coffee Table Books

design and fashion coffee table books

Over the years I have acquired quite the collection of Design Coffee Table Books. Over 30 to be exact! Can you say book hoarder?! I love a good design book for use not only as decor but also for some serious design inspiration. It's funny to see over the years what pages I've flagged with a sticky note to show "I love this" and to see how my style has evolved since this obsession began almost ten years ago. 

I won't totally nerd out and bore you with them all but I thought I'd share a few of my favorites that have helped and inspired me with my design projects over the years.

design books

1.  Domino, The Book of Decorating

This book is known as an interior design bible of sorts. From tips on how to identify your style, illustrated definitions of different furniture styles and pieces and important designer tips for decorating, if you're going to buy only one interior design book, this is the one. 

domino book of decorating
domino book of decorating

2.  Kate Spade Things We Love

I received this book last year for my birthday from my mom. It's no secret that I love Kate Spade and this book did not disappoint. Filled with bright pages full of fabulous fashion, patterns and quotes there is a ton of design inspiration to be had from the use of color and patterns that is always bold and often unexpected. 

kate spade book, kate spade things we love
kate spade book, kate spade things we love

3 & 4.  Jonathan Adler's Happy Chic Colors & Accessorizing

If bright and quirky decor is your jam then these books are for you. Jonathan Alder is known for his off the wall designs that always include lots of color, fun patterns and a good dose of humor. These books showcase inspirational spaces and vignettes with doses of designer tips and are perfect if you're looking to get inspired to push the design envelope, or just want to 'escape' in a book and wish your home was a Jonathan Adler inspired oasis.

jonathan adler book, jonathan adler happy chic
jonathan adler book, jonathan adler happy chic

5.  Tricia Guild A Certain Style

One of my many Tricia Guild books, this one was the first addition to my collection. I absolutely adore Tricia Guild for her design bravery in fully committing to bright and bold design schemes and pattern combinations. This book is full of so much inspiration, it's like Pinterest in a book!

tricia guild, tricia guild book, tricia guild a certain style
tricia guild, domino book, brass pig

6. The Book: Vintage Furniture

I bought this book not long after I graduated high school. Growing up with a mother who instilled a deep love and appreciation for all things mid-century modern I've always been drawn to classic furniture. I used to work at F2 Furniture and I'd always be interested to know the stories and designers behind the pieces we carried so I nabbed this book as soon as I saw it. The pieces in this book are timeless style icons that every design enthusiast is familiar with which is why it's one of my faves.

vintage furniture, mid century modern, interior design coffee table book
vintage furniture, mid century modern, interior design coffee table book

Honorable Mention: The City Out My Window

I bought this book on my first trip to New York. We went to the library and in the gift shop this was the first book I spotted.  Right from that first visit to New York that city absolutely stole my heart so the idea of a book about 63 different New Yorker's vantage point was too romantic for me to pass up. I love the sketches showing the various neighbourhoods of one of my favourite cities. This book makes me swoon just turning the pages which is why I had to include it in this round-up. 

jonathan adler, jonathan adler happy chic colors, jonathan adler happy chic accessorizing

These are just a few of my MANY design focussed books. What can I say, I love a good coffee table book! haha Do you have any favourite design, fashion or art books you think I'd like too? Leave them in the comments, I'm always looking to add to my collection!