Graham and Brown: Popsicle

When I think of summertime growing up I think of days that seemed to never end, playing outside with a group of friends and, of ice cream trucks! As a child no sound was sweeter than the ice cream man driving into your neighbourhood as you frantically ran home to beg your parents for a few dollars to buy a popsicle. 

When Graham and Brown asked us to think of this as an inspiration in terms of décor I knew immediately that I wanted to focus on bright happy colors that would make me think of summers growing up.

In my first bedroom that I can remember, my mom (who as an interior designer, always had impeccable taste) bordered my room with a floral wallpaper border. While that might be a bit passée now, I think given the same inspiration, this wallpaper would be a beautiful touch in a little girl's room. It actually has a fairly similar color palette to the border I had in my room, just an updated look.

When I was a bit older and living in a different home I came home one day to find my mom had completely re-done my room in a fully on tweety-bird theme. It was a bright, happy and really fun room for my 10 year old self and I absolutely loved it! I had tweety-bird wall decals all over the room and while as a grown woman I'll certainly never have that again, I do love this bright wallpaper for evoking the same cheery feeling. 


As you might remember from my home tour, I live in a rental now and as much as I like the simplicity of the white walls I do wish I could hang some wallpaper. I love this paper for it's soft palette and happy colors, clearly a theme in today's post.  Which wallpaper did you like best?