Garden Party for a Cause

Well today's post is one for my fellow Edmonton friends. This Thursday marks the 2018 Ladies on the Green Garden Party and if you don't already have plans for the night I think you should come! Last year was my first time attending Ladies on the Green and the night was one I have not been able to forget. 

You can purchase tickets for the event here and I can promise you that it will not disappoint! There will be incredible food, great drinks, a tent full of amazing women (!) and some pretty great surprises (that I can't share but TRUST ME, they're good!). The event is a fun and fabulous night with al fresco dining, a silent auction and lots of laughs but the cause we're supporting is no joke.

ladies on the green edmonton

Ladies on the Green supports the Zebra Child Protection Centre, an INCREDIBLE organization in Edmonton that helps children and their families get through their darkest times. Last year amongst the laughter and good food I also cried as I learned about the amazing work the Zebra Child Protection Centre does in our city. This is a cause I am 100% happy to support in any way I can and by purchasing tickets to the Ladies on the Green Garden Party, you can support them too in the simplest and easiest way and have a fabulous time while you're at it!

So, if you're in Edmonton on thursday night and want to join in on a lot of fun and put on a pretty party dress, come have some great food and support an amazing cause please come join me at the Ladies on the Green Garden Party!

I'll be sharing a bit more on this in a later post but I also wanted to send a quick thank you to some of the brands I LOVE who are helping me support Ladies on the Green by donating amazing and generous items for the silent auction. Thank you to these brands for helping me support a cause I feel so strongly about! 


Bella Casa Day Spa

Chatters Salon


Skylark Owl + Linen


