Cold Weather Cool

Nothing like finding photos you forgot you took to inspire a blog post!

In the midst of the post holiday sales the man behind my photos (James), decided it was time to get a new camera lens.  So a few weeks back we picked up a 50mm lens on sale and decided to head out and take a few photos in the snow.

canada goose jacket
canadian fashion blog
canada goose jacket

Since we were on an errand run and I hadn't been planning on doing an "outfit post", these are not  the most fashionable photos I've ever taken, but I thought since we were out and taking them,  we may as well take a few for the blog while we're at it! 

fashion blog
cold weather fashion
winter fashion

The starbucks was the bribe to get me out in the cold to take photos, and thankfully with my super warm jacket, it was actually a pretty nice day to be outdoors and go for a walk. Plus any excuse to rock my new favorite polka dot pants is fine by me! 

canadian fashion bloggers
winter outfit

Thankfully it's much nicer out now, and as much as I am not a fan of winter, I do have to admit that the snow sure is pretty! 

DETAILS: Hat (old, but similar here) // Jacket // Sweater (old, From Old Navy) // Pants // Boots