Andy Warhol Moderna Museet Posters - AKA The Posters Everyone LOVES!

mid century modern bedroom design
andy warhol poster

One of the items in our home I get asked about the most are the posters from the Moderna Museet with the quotes from Andy Warhol. I freaking LOVE these posters. They're definitely one of my favourite items in our home and I love the story behind them. 

I actually shared these posters four years ago on the blog when I first got them (omg my photography....brutal!! haha). When I became obsessed with these posters via Pinterest I went on a mad hunt to find them. At that time, the Moderna Museet would not ship them - you had to go pick them up in person so, a friend of James' who was travelling to Sweden very generously popped by the Moderna Museet to pick them up, ship them to his parents and then James' parents shipped them to us in Canada. We then popped them into some affordable frames and hung them above our sofa in our living room. If you want a laugh, check out the photos of that here and here (SO happy my photography skills have come a LONG way in the past few years!)

You might notice they look significantly brighter and whiter than they do now. Truthfully, the cheap IKEA frames were affordable and easy but they offered little protection to the posters from sun damage but that being said, we feel like they now have a bit of a vintage vibe that we don't mind. 

andy warhol posters
andy warhol posters
andy warhol posters
andy warhol posters

When we left our condo and moved into our house now we had a bit of a tough time figuring out where to put these posters (only because we love them so much!). They first were hung above our bed, they were then separated and leaning in my office and our bedroom and now they're hanging above our sofa in our living room. They're the travelling posters (both from across the pond and within our home) and I absolutely love them!

I get SO many questions about them and I've always been the bearer of bad news when I've had to say they don't ship to Canada but it appears now that we're in luck! You can get the posters from the Moderna Museet online and it looks like they ship to Canada! Which of the posters is your favourite? Have you ever fallen in love with a piece of artwork or something that didn't ship to where you were? (Isn't that the worst?!)

modern bedroom design
andy warhol posters