Goodbye Summer

Wow did this summer every fly by! Between my besties wedding, moving into our new house and getting settled and preparing for blogpodium I feel like I blinked and it became fall overnight. One day I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and the next day we were out for a walk and the leaves were yellow and the chill of fall was in the air. 

Not that I'm complaining though. Like almost every other #basicbitch out there, I LOVE fall. I won't lie - summer is not my favourite season. I love the festivals and the warm weather and days by the beach (of which I had none this summer- boo) but there's just something about fall. 

Fall to me signifies a fresh start and change. It's like a pre-new year, a marker to get your shit together before the new year and a reminder that there's still time to work on your resolutions. I love the crunch of the leaves under your shoes, the chill in the morning air that requires sweaters and staying cozy indoors when it's cool outside.

While I'm not a fan of the PSL - I know, *gasp*! #sorrynotsorry - I do love pumpkin flavoured everything else and I love the rich smells of cinnamon, pumpkin and apple that seem to be everywhere come september 1st. 

And as I say goodbye to the long summer days I'm showing off these pasty gams for one last time before covering them up for the season. I promise you guys I did get a bit of a tan, I'm just so pale that even in these photos there's a chance you might be blinded by the reflection from them!

What's your favourite part about fall? Let me know in the comments below! XO

fashion blog
fall fashion
fall style
fall style blog
fall fashion
fall fashion
fall fashion
fall fashion